class work

kansas state university

Below are featured examples of class assignments during my time at K-State. This work comes from both the mass communications department and the communications studies department.


This assignment was completed during my MC 625 Media Relations course. Our assignment was to communicate to the media some of the inaccuracies concerning the KS Degree Stats website. It turned into a fun collaboration with just a hint of snark!


In the same Media Relations course, we also learned how to compile a media list for various clients or employers. In this assignment, we took on an imagined role (I chose Representative Cleaver’s Communications Director) and drew up a list of media contacts and potential issues and responses for future reference.

MC 625 Media List by Maggie on Scribd


MC 331 teaches photojournalism and concepts of photography. We were given a lot of freedom in what our subjects could be, which helped me realize how much I enjoy photographing strange stuff at even stranger angles.


MC 589 was a topics course, with the focus on travel and tourism public relations. While we learned how to promote many exciting and exotic locations, particularly through the use of social media, our final challenge was to promote Kansas itself. More specifically, how would a target demographic (in my case, retirees) spend 36 hours in Manhattan? Much like the New York Times pieces, my final paper sought to explore just how much inexpensive fun could be packed into a day and a half.

MC 589 36 Hours by Maggie on Scribd


MC 396: Strategic Communications Research began with an interesting question… why don’t Millennials vote? We only had the summer to figure it out, but it led to an analysis of past voter campaigns, and provided context and ideas for the next election. Incidentally, this research was incredibly helpful when working with the League of Women Voters.

MC 396 Vote Paper by Maggie on Scribd


This was easily the most fun I’ve had working on an assignment. Our task was to promote group advising sessions in MC 280: PR Writing, and it turned into a fun social media planning strategy. We created posts based on beloved teachers and their pets, and even a shoutout to everyone’s favorite class… Wine Tasting.


Also in my PR Writing class, we promoted the International Student and Scholar Services’ Coffee Hour via a social media news release. I ended up attending the Coffee Hour on Paraguay, and really enjoyed it!

MC 280 SMR by Maggie on Scribd

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