
How To Market Effectively: Combine Old-School With New Methods

Today’s guest post comes from Craig Brown of Your Career Boost. Brown, an HR expert, provides expertise on ways stress reduction and achieving business goals.

Marketing technology is always growing and developing. However, while digital marketing is critical for any business today, there are still tried and true methods you shouldn’t forget about. As you start your business, consider using these old-school marketing ideas to reach a larger audience for your goods and services.

How To Market Effectively

Create a Memorable Presence

Clients appreciate tangible items. People may be increasingly desensitized to digital advertising these days, so hardcopy flyers and other ads can be more eye-catching. Potential customers spend more time reading physical advertisements in public than they do reading advertisements on a website. With the help of a graphic designer, you can create eye-catching designs and catchy slogans to grab attention.

You do not have to ignore digital marketing for traditional advertising. Think of ways you can use both to create a more memorable presence. If people see your flyers, yard signs, or billboards in public and then go online and engage with your company, they are more likely to feel connected to you. Consider creating merchandise to hand out at fairs or other events, like stickers or t-shirts branded with your company’s logo.

Be Personal With Potential Clients

When you treat each client as an individual, you are more likely to retain clients. Customers do not want to just be a number for your business. Use marketing research to discover your client’s needs and create your marketing strategy based on individuals. Connect and engage with clients while providing services. Be careful of the language you use. According to research, using first singular pronouns performs better than plural pronouns. Be human with your clients and while you should always remain professional, consider acting a little casually.

When face to face with a potential client, offer your business card. You could meet a business connection anywhere, and digital marketing is not practical if you meet a potential lead at, for example, an airport bar. Your business card can make a lasting impression beyond email. It is a tangible reminder of your business. You can personalize your card by using an online business card maker that allows you to modify pre-made templates. Add color, graphics, and text, and choose the font that represents your company’s personality.

Offer Discounts and Rewards

If you want to keep clients returning to your company, consider a rewards program. Award your customers for working with you. For example, you can offer a rewards program where clients collect points every time they use your service. You can choose what the client can exchange the points for. Many companies provide free service after a certain number of purchases.

Discounts and other offers can also increase customer loyalty. Coupons may draw in new clients and keep loyal ones by giving them a good deal. When it comes to coupons, choose a reason to offer them. For example, during the holiday season, you may give special discounts when using coupons or other rewards. Discounts can also give you a chance to gather client information. For instance, if someone wants to use a coupon, make them sign up for your mailing list.

When it comes to your business, don’t be afraid of traditional marketing ideas. Many of the forgotten options are more tangible and personal than virtual marketing. Having a balanced advertising plan and personal touch can bring more attention to what your company offers. 

Craig Brown

Craig Brown has worked in HR for several years and has plans to launch his own recruiting agency. He thrives on helping others achieve their career dreams and started Your Career Boost to share the best job-related resources on the web.

Image Source: Pexels


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