
My 5 Favorite (Positive) Twitter Accounts


Twitter often gets a reputation as a dumpster fire, and in fairness, it usually is. Not only can scrolling be an exercise in misery, but uh… what were those “fleets?” Glad that’s over.

I’m still on most social media platforms, including Twitter. My excuse is that I work in marketing and never want to be the person who has to ask what a retweet is.

But just because the site has a reputation for being a toxic hellscape, doesn’t mean it has to be. I’ve found curating who I follow and what I focus on makes the platform immensely more enjoyable. I sometimes wonder if that was the original intent of the app, but that’s a post for another time.

Anyways, the quickest way to add a bit of love to your Twitter timeline is to follow positive accounts. Below are my five favorite positive Twitter accounts that all deserve a follow. Let’s go!

1. Susie Dent

Susie Dent is a delightful word nerd who posts words of the day with the etymology behind each. Sometimes they’re funny, sometimes they’re relatable and they always make me smile.

She also has a book if you fancy learning even more. I know I do.

2. Bodega Cats

Bodega Cats is literally just an account dedicated to posting cats in bodegas that users send in. Just the photo, nothing else. It’s the best thing ever.

You may ask, why would we need an account dedicated to bodega cat photos? To which I say, why not?

3. SparkNotes

The website that helped me understand the world of Shakespeare, “Heart of Darkness,” and other classics my high school English teachers had us read is a gift to Twitter. Come for the “Dorian Gray” snark. Stick around for the “Pride and Prejudice” memes. There are several and they’re all perfect.

4. MoonPie

The MoonPie twitter account is, admittedly, a guilty pleasure. It does what many brands on Twitter only attempt to do, off-brand, bizarre humor that somehow sticks every time. The Linda saga in particular is a masterclass in world building. PopTarts, take note.

5. Bindi Irwin

Thanks to this tweet, I now know how to spell kookaburra, which is a win of it’s own. Honestly, the whole Irwin family is worth a follow. You’ll get adorable updates from the Australia Zoo, animal fun facts and the cutest pictures of Bindi’s daughter Grace. It adds a bit of sunshine to your timeline.

Are there any funny, positive Twitter accounts that deserve a shoutout? Let me know in the comments!


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