
Blogging Photography Class: Final

Well, it looks like this is going to be my last photography class post. I still can’t believe class is coming to an end, and I also still haven’t accepted that I’m graduating in less than two weeks.
All panicking aside… let’s see the result of my final project!


Turn your photos into a magazine/article type of deal. I decided to go full blown psychology on this mess because I spent a semester studying communication theory, and dammit I need to use what I’ve accumulated! 30 minutes of messing around in InDesign later… I had this. My brother would be so proud… probably.

Looks like that’s all, folks! Thanks for sticking with me this semester! I went from unable to shoot basic images, to telling a story of cognitive dissonance via photography. Thursday is our last official class where we’ll be discussing final project successes, and (as a bonus) we’ll also be surrounded by donuts.

Life is good.


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