
What I Actually Accomplished in 2020

I’ll spare you with the usual “Ugh, what a year amiright?” nonsense. We all know 2020 has been awful, so why dwell on it?

I’m instead going to focus on every little thing I did right. Normally, these kind of checklist items wouldn’t even be mentioned, but I’m giving myself extra credit this year. You should too. Every little thing counts.

With all that in mind, here’s my list of what I accomplished in 2020. I was going to go to Peru. Instead I deep-cleaned my mattress. It’s called compromise, folks.

  1. Transferred this website from Weebly to WordPress and hated every minute of it.
  2. Started two YouTube channels; one for traveling (lol) and one for makeup.
  3. Added a whole separate category to this blog for all of the wonderful guest posts I’ve received.
  4. Binged an entire season of “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo” and proceeded to declutter and deep clean the following: my closet, bedroom, mattress, laundry room, washing machine (twice) and bathroom.
  5. Did smaller road trips when possible. Sometimes it was feasible. Sometimes it wasn’t. But holy moly, does Missouri have some really beautiful state parks.
  6. Started designing websites and email campaigns. In the process, learned how to migrate a site from Wix to WordPress. It’s slightly less awful.
  7. Failed at a bunch of things, succeeded at some. Survived nonetheless.

Do I have any predictions for 2021? Nope, not trying to tempt fate right now. But I hope for you, dear reader, next year goes swimmingly for you. Feel free to list your accomplishments down below. Let’s boost each other up and brag on ourselves for a bit.


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