
To all college students currently applying for internships: It’s a tough world out there. Been there, done that. You have my sympathies. Here’s a little poem to take your mind off of a things for a bit.


I’ve tweaked my resume just right
It only took me half the night
The other half I did concede
To and Indeed
I’m tired, starved and want to quit
I don’t think I can handle it
But I need a summer internship
Applying for such is quite the trip
Why start now, it’s barely fall!
But postings persist, and still I bawl
“I’ll never meet these qualifications,
I still haven’t finished my education!”
To be an intern in PR
You must be some kind of media czar
Their job descriptions read like so
To my self-esteem, it’s quite the blow
Love PR? This job’s for you!
Writing, media, design efforts too!
Here we hire only the best
And so these skills you must possess
Years of experience: 3-5
It’s fast-paced, and here, you’ll thrive
We work with the top businessmen
So 8 years experience with Windows 10
Portfolio should have a good amount
But FYI, class work won’t count
Speak Spanish, German, and Chinese
Cause at this firm, we aim to please!
10 years working with WordPress
jQuery, HTML, CSS
Javascript, AJAX, HTML5, 
SEO, Facebook API
Basic design so we look tip-top
Know InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop
Master’s degree is preferred
A graphics wiz, computer nerd
Go-getter, maverick, PR geek
A steal at 55 hours a week! 
If you get this spot, you’ve got it made!
Just one more thing, it’s all unpaid

Good luck out there! You’ve got this!


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