
Budget-Friendly Tips for Making Ends Meet When You’re Between Jobs

Today’s guest post comes from Craig Brown of Your Career Boost. Brown, an HR expert, provides some financial tips and tricks for surviving unemployment during quarantine.

Being out of work can be pretty scary, especially if you aren’t sure when your next job may come along. But even when your future feels uncertain, there are always options for making ends meet now. Start by looking at your budget to see where you can cut expenses, and then look into ways you can start earning a paycheck.

One of the best solutions for bridging the gap between jobs is to find a work-from-home opportunity using the skills you already have. If you’ve thought about working from home but you still have concerns, here are a few tips for where to look, how to succeed, and how to make sure any opportunity works for your budget.

Budget-Friendly Tips for Making Ends Meet When You’re Between Jobs

How do you know if a work-from-home opportunity is worthwhile?

Remote jobs are easy enough to find, but how do you know which opportunities are worth your time (and money)? Most importantly, you don’t want to fall prey to a scam because the last thing you need is to put more strain on your budget.

One way to find a legitimate opportunity is to be selective about the industry you choose. Some industries naturally lend themselves to remote work, including insurance, customer service, recruiting, writing, and computer jobs, just to name a few.

How can you boost your chance of success?

When you’re applying for a job working from home, the entire process will likely take place through digital communication, which may include interviews over video chat. Spend some time learning about how to do online interviews successfully, and make sure you’re prepared to dress the part, too.

If you’re on a tight budget, it may help to know that you can almost always find deals when shopping for clothing online. So if you have a favorite retailer, like American Eagle Outfitters or QVC, be sure to search for discounts or cashback offers before you buy.

Along with maintaining a standard of professionalism, the other key to success is to find something you’ll actually enjoy. Working from home requires a certain amount of self-discipline, which is easier to come by when you like what you do. If there’s a hobby you’re passionate about, you may even want to start a side business of your own.

What if you’re juggling work and family life?

People who work from home love the flexibility it brings, but there’s also the challenge of balancing work and family life. This is one thing to consider when you’re looking for jobs, especially if you’re a parent, since some remote jobs are more family-friendly than others. A wide variety of work-from-home opportunities meet this demand, though, including childcare, pet sitting, crafting, and online jobs like writing, graphic design, and teaching.

Even with the best work-from-home jobs you may still face hurdles when it comes to getting your work done while keeping kids happy. A budget-friendly solution is to ask family members for help with childcare, or do a childcare swap with another parent. We also love the idea from Today’s Parent for setting up inexpensive activity stations using simple supplies like dried macaroni and string.

Being out of work can certainly be stressful, and the financial strain is an added burden. That’s why you want to stay budget-conscious, whether you’re saving money on kids’ activities or investing in a professional wardrobe. Most of all, don’t wait to find the right opportunity! Great work-from-home jobs are out there, and you may even find a new career.

Picture of Craig Brown

Craig Brown

Craig Brown has worked in HR for several years and has plans to launch his own recruiting agency. He thrives on helping others achieve their career dreams and started Your Career Boost to share the best job-related resources on the web.

Photo credit: Pexels

Many individuals struggle with the question of how much money they should be saving, but there are general guidelines that can help them plan for the future. The experts at Bankrate created a guide that advises readers on how much money they should aim to save at each age. This resource contains useful data and tables about average amounts saved, as well as information on:

  • Personal and emergency savings
  • Retirement and 401k contributions
  • Common savings goals
  • Automating savings and investing


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