
Chalk Art Compilation | Quarantine Art

I’m not one for exercise, but lately, the thing that’s been keeping me sane during quarantine is daily (social-distant compliant) walks through the neighborhood. The weather is hell and mosquitos love me, but still, it’s been doing me good.

The best part of my walks, aside from finishing all of my true crime podcasts? Seeing the local kids go wild with chalk art. We’ve got some serious talent here, and it’s really brightened my day.

So, for your enjoyment, I present the best of the best. The chalk art compilation from my neighborhood. Quarantine art at its finest. Enjoy!

Thanking the essential healthcare folks. We love to see it.

We’re all angels here.

Love me a good pun and an intricate design.

The blending? Unreal.

I wish I could take good photos without my shadow getting in the way.

Bonus grainy shots of ducks! It’s basically a safari at home! Kind of. I miss going places.


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