
Everything is Awful, Y’all Wanna Laugh at Some Tumblr Memes With Me?

This post was inspired by the amazing nisipisa on YouTube. What’s better than laughing at memes? Laughing at memes with an audience. So naturally, I scoured the internet looking for only the finest Tumblr memes.

Conclusion? That site is a goddam mess. I love it.

If you’re in need of a mental break, scroll this post for a bit. I’m here to help.

1. No chance in hell

2. Found it

3. Why I only own fake plants

4. Huh, that'd be my reaction too

5. 2007 was a simpler time

Side note: In third grade, we legit did Egypt presentations because my teacher had lived in Egypt for a few years. And if you don’t think I chose Papyrus, you don’t know me at all.

6. Learning is for suckers

7. Fun fact! It's actually Garth Brooks "Friends in Low Places"

8. Yeah, how does that work?

9. Giant boofing fools

10. Inspirational

11. Puns are a blessing

And finally, bonus Moon Pie Twitter content!

1. Don't do it

2. Linda please

3. We've got time, too

4. Beautiful

Hope this distratced ya’ll for a brief moment. Now if you’ll excuse me, I gotta make sure the guy running Moon Pie Twitter is doin’ okay.


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